Friday, 30 September 2016
Narrative Essay
Narrative Essay.
Narrative is a written account of connected events, also known as a story. Todorov believed that Narrative is a line with a beginning, middle and end also known as equilibrium, disequilibrium and resolution. There are two types of narrative; linear narrative, this is a simple approach to understand, it is conventional so you don’t get your intellectual pleasure the audiences are after. The other type is a non-liner narrative, this is not knowing anything about a film for example the characters. Due to this it creates an intellectual pleasure for the audience to guess the unknown conventions of the film that are not revealed. In this essay I will be exploring different theorist’s ideas about the narrative of a film, in this case it will be of the horror genre.
A media theorist called Domaile believed that every story told can be fitted in one out of eight narrative types. Each of these types have a source, an original story which others have been based around. Out of these eight types, it is narrowed down to three that apply to the horror genre. These are circe, faust and orpheus. Regarding my horror trailer, I concluded that circe was the type that connected the most. Circe is the battle between the good and the bad in a film, in a horror genre case it would regard to the antagonists and the protagonists in a film. In my trailer the protagonists also known as the final girl fights against the antagonist and escapes from his grip. Looking deeper into the meaning behind this type it inherits myths that we tell our generations to teach those values and lessons in life. Circe teaches people that you need to fight off the bad people in your life and show them how strong you are. This could be in any case for example bullies in your school or people who are jealous of you.
On the other hand another theorist called Levi Straus belonged very strongly in binary oppositions. Binary oppositions are the are two things that are completely opposites from the other, for example; love and hate. Regarding the horror genre, he believed that conflicts are based around these binary oppositions. He states that they are always the central of a climax in a horror film. To further explain his theory on binary oppositions he continued to explain that characters in a horror are either good or bad and situations are with wrong or right. There is never any middle, it is either one or the other. Linking my summer trailer to this theorists idea, i believe i did go along with what he believed was to be included in a horror genre. My characters had either a good agenda or a bad, even if they seemed good at one point, they always in their mind knew they were bad. Also my trailer agrees with his idea that binary oppositions are always the central of the climax. This is due to the fact that the climax e.g. the jump scares always happen when there is a fight or close accountancies between the antagonist and the protagonist in a horror film.
Another media theorist called Propp believed that narrative in the horror genre needed 7 types of characters to make it a successful horror film. A example of these are characters such as a Villain, hero, agent or princess. A princess in a horror would be the character threatened by the Villain in the horror. Regarding my summer trailer, it shows signs as Propps theory. A few of the characters he believed needed to be in my horror genre were, for instance; the villain in my horror was shown from time to time and the princess was the main character filmed throughout the trailer. Although I have a few of these characters in my trailer, I don't have a lot of them. This is due to me not knowing about the theory and therefore not being able to fully apply it to my trailer. I believe this does make my trailer a little less effective but on the other hand I think it is a positive thing that I didn't show all seven of these characters on my trailer because it would show too much, too fast and therefore would make the target audience less eager to want to watch the film when it comes out.
The last theorist that I will be exploring in regard to narrative is Barthes. He believed in three codes that need to be included in a horror; Enigma, action and symbolic. Enigma refers to the mystery within a text, Action refers to how the writers create the suspense and symbolic is the symbols within the text of a horror film. Linking Barthes theory to my horror trailer, without knowing it I included a few of his codes that he created. For example there is a lot of symbolisms in my horror trailer and the storyline, to explain this further there was a lot of deeper subtext to the meaning of this horror, for example; my protagonist being stalked by the antagonist and sticking up to him is a subtext that every teenager should stand up to their bullies. In the future for my next group trailer I will be sure to include them in my horror genre to make it more conventional.
In conclusion narrative has been explored by many theorists that created different explanations about the horror genre. After analysing their theories against my own summer trailer I feel it has helped me improve on my previous work in time for my future work. I now won’t make these mistakes that are identified through the theories and it will therefore improve my grade for the future. Looking into these theories it has also helped me realise that I may not need to do all of them to keep it at a high grade and creative horror.
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Genre Essay.
Genre Essay.
Genre is the categorisation of different films into
different groups, these are usually based on similar narrative concepts from a
wide range of films. This is usually done by regarding three concepts;
settings, themes and moods. This is seen as a good thing for films because it
allows the production companies to create a specific target audience that they
know will watch the films making their films more successful and popular. In
this essay I will be analysing my summer teaser trailer against different
horror theorist’s ideas surrounding genres relating to horror films.
A media theorist called Graeme Burton created an idea that
we can understand horror genres by looking at key concepts of a horror, He
recognises “types, recognisable and familiar characteristics” All of these
elements are a part of the “genre formula”. For example one concept of this
would be the icons used throughout a horror. These could be weapons used by the
antagonist e.g. axe or knife, on the other hand they could be things like props
used, a common one is a mask to hide the antagonists identity. Applying Graeme Burton’s idea to my summer
trailer I believe it shows reoccurring signs of it being a slasher horror. For
instance the icons in our trailer were a mask to hide the antagonist’s identity
creating enigma and a knife as the main weapon used against the protagonists. Using
a weapon like a knife is also seen as a phallic object so instead of stabbing
the dumb blonde, the antagonist is seen as penetrating the dumb blonde
sexually, this gives the action more of a deeper subtext behind what you can
just view on the screen. A connection between Burtons work and my summer
trailer may also be background/settings of the trailer. A lot of it was situated
in an isolated park late at night. This is a very secluded area and therefore
sets the tone of the trailer.
A second media theorist called Steve Neal believed that
pleasure has been given to the audience by constant repetition of conventions
of horror. By looking at the conventions of a horror, it gives us pleasure to
watch it. This is agreed by a man called Warren Buckland who stated “Genres
create expectations that condition our responses. It sets up hope and promises
that it will bring us pleasure if they are fulfilled.” To continue this
pleasure, Neal believes that we have to change how the conventions in a horror
genre happens as if they weren’t changed regularly then the target audience
will come away from the film disappointed because they have become decentralized
to the stereotypical times horror conventions occur, for instance there is
regularly a jump scared when the music of a horror hits a climax, instead of
putting in a jump scare there they do it a minute or so later when the audience
becomes more relaxed and less likely to expect it. They do this so the audience
are still on the edge of their seats when watching a typical horror movie in
the cinema and therefore come out of the cinema satisfied. Neal also states
that horror film fans are now enjoying hybrid genres of a film. A hybrid genre
is a mixture of two genres to create a film, for instance in the film Warm
Bodies romance and horror has started to become a mix sending horror films down
a different path and making them more unique again. This has been done because
people were running out of ideas on what type of storyline to do without
repeating themselves because everything had already been done. Regarding my summer work I struggle to create
a connection between Neal’s work and my own. My summer trailer is full of the
conventions of a horror that audiences have now become decentralized to. It is
also only considered as a slasher in the horror sub-genre and therefore is not
in a hybrid genre. Due to this it
continues to go down the same route other stereotypical horrors have. Due to
this I believe my horror trailer could be possibly less effective than it would
have been if it had a connection with Neal’s theory, on the other hand it still
has many conventions of a horror film and is still effective in its genre.
Another theorist that analysed horror genres is a man name
Christian Metz, he believed in the four different stages of creating a film in
a genre. The first stage was the experimental stage, in this stage there are no
rules and therefore the genre would have no name, this is where the production
companies are testing out all sorts of ideas that may be included in the genre
films. The second stage that some genre films may be in are the classical stage
of films, this stage is where the films have followed the rules, in this case
the horror rules and therefore has become a classic horror film that the
audience know and love well. The third stage is the parody stage, this is the
comical side of films. In the case of horrors it is the films that analyse and
make fun of the conventions of a horror film, an example of this would be the
film Scream. Finally the last stage is the deconstruction stage, this is the
final stage. This stage is a different type of ways to go around making a horror
film, for instance instead of going along with the stereotypical side of
horrors they go against these conventions and create a completely different
type of horror that hasn’t commonly been seen before. These are commonly used
in this day and age because it’s something different that people aren’t used to
and therefore come away from the film satisfied that they have enjoyed the
film. Regarding my summer trailer, I would place my work in the classical stage
of Metz theory. This is because we worked solely on the conventions of a horror
so we knew that horror fans and the audience of our trailer would want to go
and watch it.
The last theorist I am going to analyse against my work
regarding genre is a man named Rick Altmann. He believed that there is three
ways of getting out pleasure out of any type of film. Regarding horror he
believed there is a pleasure side, this would be guessing who the antagonist is
throughout the film. An example is Scream, every audience member would be
analysing who the antagonist could have been throughout the horror because of
the way the film was set up. Creating a horror like this gives the audience an
intellectual puzzle that they feel they need to resolve before the end of the
film happens. This is almost seen as a chase to the end. The third pleasure is
the emotional side, regarding horror it should make you feel scared all
throughout the film, and you should feel as an audience member on the edge of
the seat throughout. This is because this is what the purpose of a horror is
and therefore if it doesn’t achieve that for you then it isn’t a conventional
horror, feeling these emotions will make you enjoy the film even more. If a
horror makes you laugh at what they have created as the climaxing parts that
are supposed to scare you then it isn’t conventional horror. You are supposed
to laugh at comedies, not horrors. Lastly the third part is the visual
pleasure, regarding horror this should create an animalistic desire for you.
For example in an action you should feel happy and like the fact that the hero
gets to kill the antagonist. Horrors are supposed to make you feel cringed out
and hide from the screen, which is their function in the genre of films. Horror
genre fans expect this. Regarding my own summer trailer it doesn’t show the
visual pleasure that it should. I feel this is because it’s only a short clip
and you don’t get to see all the climaxing parts therefore it doesn’t make you
want to cringe and hide. On the other hand I believe it does give you the
intellectual pleasure because it leaves you wondering who the killer is behind
the mask, one mistake we done was briefly show the antagonist to the audience.
I know this was a mistake because it reveals too much to the audience and they
are already satisfied without actually watching the film. This wouldn’t appeal
to the audience as much and therefore when I do my trailer this time I’m going
to make sure I don’t reveal that.
In conclusion Genre has been explored by many theorists that
created different explanations about the horror genre. After analysing their
theories against my own summer trailer I feel it has helped me improve on my
previous work in time for my future work. I now won’t make these mistakes that
are identified through the theories and it will therefore improve my grade for
the future. Looking into these theories it has also helped me realise that I
may not need to do all of them to keep it at a high grade and creative horror.
Monday, 12 September 2016
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