Horror Movie Trailer
Tuesday, 10 January 2017
Tuesday, 3 January 2017
Monday, 2 January 2017
Post Production Essay
Post production is mainly using certain software’s effectively to improve the final product that we have envisioned to create. I see post production as the most creative part of the project because its where we can really experiment and do anything with what we have filmed. I also believe if we put enough time and effort into the post production of our project, it can give us the highest grade possible. A problem with the first year of my post production in media may have been due to a lack of knowledge that I didn’t have whereas this year in media that knowledge is more sustainable and therefore a lot easier to creatively improve my work to the best of my ability. Post production allows us to create a hyper reality and to over exaggerate something that isn’t happening as dramatically. It also allows our final product look more aesthetically pleasing to the target audience when they are watching it.
In our AS year the first task we done was the prelimary task, reflecting on my knowledge I had back then I feel I had a lack of what to do right and what not to do in my post production. This may have been because it was a very independent task that was set to give us a taster of what we should start to do for our final product. Not many skills were actually used in this task due to the lack of knowledge I had however I did try cutting out the green screen ofmy photography work for the page and experimented in photoshop to make the photography more aesthetically pleasing to the target audience. Also I tried editing the lighting and shadowing of the photo to create a more clear hyper reality that I needed in order to make an effective final task.
When it came to doing my final product in the AS year I felt a bit more guided when it came to editing in the post production. For example I was taught how to create particular graphics of things like my title pages on the front cover. This helped my magazine have an effective hyper reality when the rest of it didn’t show up as well. Putting these effects on also allowed me to create a yet again more aesthetically pleasing piece to the audience. This at first was quite challenging and difficult to start with therefore I had to experiment so I knew what looked best and what didn’t look quite right.
In our second year I felt a lot better when it came to my post production of my horror trailer. I feel this may be because I was more guided and understood a lot more what I had to do. I have also picked up a lot more skills then I did in my AS year and therefore could make it more aesthetically pleasing and realistic this time round. For example I knew how to create a billing board with all the stars and how to edit that correctly making it have a hyper reality against my poster. This was helped with a little more experimentation and a few mistakes made, to be able to improve my work successfully and make it more aesthetically pleasing once again.
In conclusion, this skills I have learnt and developed over the years of doing a level media has allowed me to become a better media student with a lot more media skills under my belt. I know understand this year that there is a major importance in all parts of production however mostly post production. There are many positives in this year for example it has allowed me to grow and improve as a media student learning new skills that improved my work this year. On the other hand I do feel that a con maybe the fact that last year I didn’t have a lot of the knowledge that I now have this year and because of that my grade had a major effect on it. Carrying on with this I now know has to improve last years work and give it all I’ve got this year.
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Digital Technology Essay.
By digital media technology, we mean the digitalized content that used to be on paper, can now be transmitted through different software’s on the internet. This has developed majorly over the years into something quite advanced and helpful in many peoples lives today. Due to digital technology, it has allowed our creativity to explore new paths that they haven’t tried before and we have been able to create new ways to show our media. Experimentation has been a major factor with digital media technology because people needed to know what worked well and what maybe didn’t work so well in order to use it in their future work. Digital technology has helped created a more hyper-reality internet world that is more popular and realistic to the target audience. It has also allowed the creation of media and the access to social networks be more creative and unique again. It has continued to allow people to try new paths of creativity with media and created a new type of media that other people can try in their own work.
In my AS year, I found digital media technology allowed me to really come out of my comfort zone for the post production stage of my music magazine, this was especially with the editing side to creating the magazine. It allowed me to create well known and useable skills that people need when they edit. For example how to cut a photo perfectly so it doesn’t look too bad or unrealistic on the magazine page. These skills have occurred through experimentation of my work in the software’s, practice was really a key factor of my music magazine that helped a lot. Having these skills also made my magazine a hyper reality so it was more realistic to the viewers and people knew that I tried to make it like that. Finally these skills have allowed me to gain a better access to the social media that is now out there and become more creative within my work.
From my AS year, my skills have developed majorly in my prelimary task with my research. Last year I didn’t really take my research seriously and therefore didn’t understand why I really needed to do it.. On the other hand, this year I have really been opened up to the importance of research before I make the product and the different effect it has on my work, that is why I see my work this year more effective and too a higher level then last years could have ever been. This has allowed me to create thorough skills of contingency and research before I do anything In media. Now having these skills through experiment has allowed me to gain them fully and use them to then the best of my ability throughout the years of being in a level media. It has also allowed my creation of media to have more of a depth and hyper reality to it when the target audience look at it. I know that without this sort of experimentation, my work I have created this year for my horror would not be as effective as it is today.
I can see a major effect and different from last years prelimary to this years trailer, Looking back now I see all of the aspects of research and planning was so important to make the final product as effective as this years final product has been. I feel gutted that I didn’t try as hard as I could this year and it has allowed me to see how important this year has been to me in my stages of development and learning. I am thankful to have realised how important research is now before the production of the work that I do and therefore much easier the post-production is now when it comes to my A2 year. The skills I have gained this year has allowed me to be able to develop as a media student and get the higher grades that I wanted to get last year. My product has become more of a hyper reality due to my pre-production and I am so happy that this year has opened my eyes to the importance of every stage of a level media.
In conclusion I feel I have matured majorly with my work this year compared to how I was in AS, I now understand the importance of every stage of planning, before and after production. I am so happy that this has opened my eyes to how important all he aspects are. If I was to do it again, I would know the exact things I needed to do in order to achieve a better grade in AS.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Questions to answer.
What do we mean by digital media technology?
Digital media is digitized content that can be transmitted over the internet or computer networks. This can include text, audio, video, and graphics. This means that news from a TV network, newspaper, magazine, etc. that is presented on a blog etc.
What is the relationship between creativity digital media technology?
Over time, a lot of digital media technology has evolved and progressed in this generation. This has allowed for people to come more creative and create more ideas and things in the digital world that hadnt been created before. Also if things had become already done then it allowed them to be done more uniquely and in a different yet creative way.
Experimentation - i have tried different methods and ideas whilst planning my production work, this allowed me to see what went well and what didnt go aswell, as well to adjust this around my production work.
Hyper- reality - i have attempted to create this feeling by following the conventions of horrors and what needs to be included in them in order to be a good horror
Acess to social medias - I have been able to use many social medias to do my research background, this allowed me to get more of a outside view on what people think about the ideas i have for my horror.
Creation of media - i have used different media programmes to allow a horror trailer to be created that fits in the conventions of the post modern generation today.
Conventions Essay.
Conventions are seen as rules to follow therefore the conventions we have learnt in as to a2 are seen as the rules to follow when making our media products. It is seen that we can either deliberately or unconsciously break these rules. In As I unconsciously broke them, this is due to the last year I had a lack of understanding on what the conventions of a rock genre was and even though I did understand why certain conventions where there I continued to ignore that and create an unrealistic rock magazine, this may also be the product of not doing enough research and planning and not understand what I did research. On the other hand due to four weeks prior to the summer before A2 I learnt about the conventions of horror in a deeper aspect and this allowed me to shape a realistic trailer that didn’t break the conventions. I found A2 easier to get the hang off because I was my own target audience. As I was fond of horrors, I knew what I liked to watch and how to make my own target audience on the edge of their seat.
In my AS year, a lot of my research and planning was done from popular rock magazines like Kerrang and NME. I focused on conventions of the magazine so I knew the sort of things I needed to focus on putting in my own rock magazine. For example the dominant image of the majority of the rock magazines were a main focus of a single person as a mid-shot that show the costume and props they are wearing. This helped me identify that I needed to focus my shots as a mid-shot focus on a single person. On the other hand when it came to actually taking the shots I realised that I was swaying from the conventional shots that I was supposed to have taken and that was downfall of my magazine. My shots were not as strong as they should have been and therefore brought my final product grade down. When it came to audience research for my rock magazine I was very lazy. I understood that I needed to create a questionnaire to extend my planning before I started creating my own product. However through evaluation now I realise that I didn’t find and ask the right people in order to get valuable results to follow the correct rock conventions.
In my A2 year, my research and planning has improved and developed dramatically. The fact that this year is group, it has enabled me to become more motivated and positive in order to achieve the best grade for my team. Due to the fact that we learnt about horrors a month before summer, I feel it benefited my summer trailer majorly. This is because I knew there was certain conventions that I had to follow in order to make it an affective attempt of a good summer trailer. Through this month of deep research before summer, I found out that a lot of different aspects of horror have a deeper meaning that I originally thought. Especially as a lover of horrors I found it very creative the way horrors are analysed and deeply thought about before actually being filmed. For example instead of a dagger just being a weapon against a protagonist, it is seen as a phallic object sexually abusing the protagonist, normally connoting male power domination over women. I found the research I found out so interesting, it allowed me to become more creative and clever when it came to planning my own summer trailer. I think interest was what I was missing in my AS year the most, I didn’t find myself interested in music magazines, especially rock as the genre. From my planning and research I understood fully all the different aspects and conventions of horrors and now know how I can attempt to interpret them in my own trailer.
From AS to A2 I feel my research and planning has improved majorly. In A2 my research and planning has been a lot more successful, I understand the need to do all of that work before I go on and create the final product in this case a media trailer. I feel because my research and planning wasn’t done as in-depth as it should have been, it affected my first year majorly and led me to be less creative and a lower grade. On the other hand in A2 I feel research and planning has really affected my work in a positive aspect and made me more prepared for making my final product. If I was to go back into my AS year I would defiantly make sure I’m more focused on creating more reliable research and planning that I know will affect my work in a positive manner and provide me a higher grade. This year I have been able to relate a lot easier to my audience and their needs and this has made my work better. Another thing that I have developed since last year was becoming more aware of not breaking the conventions of a horror film, this helped me to remain focused and allow my work to be conventional of that type of film genre.
Overall I feel I have developed as a post-modern media producer in my generation today. For example I make sure I get as creative I can with the technology that I have to use. This helps improve my work and keeps me as a post-modern media producer. In this generation pretty much anything is seen as creative however it is difficult to make it original because everything has already been done, because of this I make sure I am always as creative as I can possible think of because if I don’t try to do that then my work will be boring. In conclusion over the last two years my work has developed sufficiently and effectively with the generation we are in and my research and planning has developed alongside it. This year has really opened my eyes to how helpful research and planning is and how it helps me to become more creative then I was in AS.
Thursday, 17 November 2016
How much was your own production influenced by existing texts?
I should have adapted my work to the other rock genre magazines more.
Why follow conventions?
Because this is what the audience are used to, its what they enjoy and know so well. If different music magazines didn't follow the conventions then there wouldn't be a set genre difference in magazines.
Which conventions did you follow?
I made sure I focused on having an dominant image, the masthead being striking and there being strap lines and cover lines aswell.
To what extent did you not following existing conventions?
I didn't focus on the rule of thirds enough. There wasn't enough space on my magazine. My other photos on my main page was not ordered and sectioned off enough and my selling line wasn't clear or conventional.
Was this intentional and if so why?
No this wasn't intentional, I think if I was more conventional my grade would improve majorly.
To what extend did following conventions limit your own creativity?
It was hard to be conventional and creative at the same time because making sure you have the conventions of a music magazine is impossible. Conventions are another way of us copying other music magazines.
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